Monster drink, top energy drink, good mixtures of energy, boost energy drink, monster ingradient, monster receipe, monster, monster energy drinks, monsters energy drink

Monster is one of the top energy drink manufacturers out there. Most of its energy drinks have good mixtures of energy and flavors. Using Monster energy drink as one of the ingredients in your smoothie will boost your energy to a whole new level. If you are health conscious, you may want to add less Monster because it does contain unhealthy ingredients.
Quick tips: for a thinner smoothie use non-frozen fruits, for a thicker smoothie use more frozen fruits.
Monster Assault Energy Smoothie Recipe 1

1/2 can Monster Khaos (16 fl. oz. version) or Monster of your choice
1 cup fresh pineapple chunks
3/4 cup peaches (sliced and frozen)
3/4 cup strawberries (sliced and frozen)
Add ice cubes if needed
Put all the ingredients in your blender and blend until smooth, serve immediately for best taste!
Monster Assault Energy Smoothie Recipe 2

1/2 can Monster Assault (16 fl. oz. version) or Monster of your choice
3/4 cup cantaloupe (diced and frozen)
1/3 cup pitted cherries
1/3 cup unpeeled plums (diced and frozen)
Add ice cubes if needed
Put all the ingredients in your blender and blend until smooth, serve immediately for best taste!


  • Ch Saqi

    Where energy is the issue, it's better to eat small meals and snacks every few hours than three large meals a day. This approach can reduce your perception of fatigue because your brain, which has Secrets of youth very few energy reserves of its own, needs a steady supply of nutrients. Some people begin feeling sluggish after just a few hours without food. But it doesn't take much to feed your brain. A piece of fruit or a few nuts is adequate.

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